Pars pro toto  

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Pars pro toto is Latin for "(taking) a part for the whole"; it is a kind of synecdoche. When used in a context of language it means that something is named after a part of it (or after a limited characteristic, in itself not necessarily representative for the whole). E.g. "glasses" is a "pars pro toto" name for something that consists of more than just two pieces of glass. The opposite of a pars pro toto is a totum pro parte, in which the whole is used to describe a part.

In geography

Certain place names are sometimes used to denote an area greater than that warranted by their strict meaning. Examples of this include:

Such usage can cause offence. The people of Scotland and Wales, for example, would not want to be referred-to as part of “England” or as “English”. Inhabitants of the Netherlands who live in provinces other than North or South Holland may feel excluded when “Holland” is used to describe their country.

See also

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