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"Youth is wasted on the young"

"The juvenile delinquents -- not the pop artists -- are the true inheritors of Dada." --"The Revolution of Modern Art and the Modern Art of Revolution" (1967)

"Rock 'n' roll is basically institutionalized adolescence. And the bottom line of rock ‘n’ roll is that it’s a baby food industry and Phil found a new formula for baby food."--Albert Goldman in Phil Spector: He's a Rebel (1982)

Girl: "Hey, Johnny, What are you rebelling against?"

Marlon Brando: "What do you got?"

--The Wild One (1953)

"I would rather give a healthy boy or a healthy girl a phial of prussic acid than this novel".--James Douglas

"Teenage rebellion has been categorized by mainstream media and popular culture, and is a very common subject in music and film. Some examples of films on the subject are The Wild One (1953), Rebel Without a Cause (1955), and The Breakfast Club (1985). The classic novel The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger has gained a reputation as the quintessential book on teenage rebellion."--Sholem Stein

"I want to be different, like everybody else I want to be like. I want to be just like all the different people. I have no further interest in being the same, because I have seen difference all around, and now I know that that's what I want. I don't want to blend in and be indistinguishable. I want to be part of the different crowd, and assert my individuality along with others who are different like me."--"It's Saturday" (1992) by King Missile

"We don't need no education, we don't need no thought control ..."--"Another Brick in the Wall" (1979) by Pink Floyd

"The editors evidently expect their readers to be aged round about fourteen, and the advertisements (milk chocolate, postage stamps, water pistols, blushing cured, home conjuring tricks, itching powder, the Phine Phun Ring which runs a needle into your friend's hand, etc., etc.) indicate roughly the same age; there are also the Admiralty advertisements, however, which call for youths between seventeen and twenty-two."--"Boys' Weeklies" (1940) by George Orwell

Fountain of Youth (1546) by Lucas Cranach the Elder
Fountain of Youth (1546) by Lucas Cranach the Elder

Related e



Youth is the quality or state of being young. It is the opposite of being old.



From Middle English youthe, youhthe, ȝouthe, ȝewethe, ȝuȝethe, ȝeoȝuthe, from Old English ġeoguþ (“the state of being young; youth”), from West Germanic *juwunþa, from Proto-Germanic *jugunþō, *jugunþiz (“youth”), corresponding to young +‎ -th. Cognate with Saterland Frisian Juugd, West Frisian jeugd, Dutch jeugd, German Low German Jöögd, German Jugend.


  1. In the early part of growth or life; born not long ago.
    A lamb is a young sheep.
    These picture books are for young readers.
    The age of space travel is still young.
  2. As if young; having the look or qualities of a young person.
    My grandmother is a very active woman and is quite young for her age.
  3. Of or belonging to the early part of life.
    Our neighbor spent his younger years in England.
  4. Having little experience; inexperienced; unpracticed; ignorant; weak.


From Middle English yong, yonge, from Old English ġeong, from Proto-Germanic *jungaz, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂yuh₁n̥ḱós, from *h₂yuh₁en- (“young”). Compare West Frisian and Dutch jong, German jung, Danish and Norwegian ung. Outside Germanic is cognate with Latin iuvenis.

See also

Youth culture

Youth culture is the culture of youth and refers to the societal norms of children, adolescents, and young adults. Specifically, it comprises the processes and symbolic systems that are shared by the youth and are distinct from those of adults in the community.

An emphasis on clothes, popular music, sports, vocabulary, and dating typically sets youth apart from other age groups. Within youth culture, there are many constantly changing youth subcultures, which may be divided based on race, ethnicity, economic status, public appearance, or a variety of other factors.


See also

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "Youth" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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