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"The corporation most conspicuous in its use of AIDS in advertising is Benetton. In one of the most notorious ad campaigns of the 1980s and 1990s, it uses charged documentary images of violence, disaster, and controversy to sell clothing."--Tangled Memories (1997) by Marita Sturken

"The term Generation X or Gen X, popularized by Douglas Coupland's novel Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, was used to describe the generation that followed the Baby Boom Generation, or those who came to adulthood in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In the UK, the Britpop scene arose in the 1990s, influenced by the 1960s mods, the 1970s/1980s mod revival, and other British rock music and subcultural styles. One of the main technological developments of the 1990s was the World Wide Web. Running on the older infrastructure of the Internet, the web allowed small subcultures to grow into large global online communities. Online game communities, forums, chat rooms and Internet cafes became popular. The 1990s saw the rise of the anti-globalization movement. This was a response to the increased impact of globalisation and global capitalism. The anti-globalisation protest movement was accompanied by the fair trade movement."--Sholem Stein

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<< 1980s 2000s >>

The 1990s was the tenth and final decade within the 20th century that began on January 1, 1990, and ended on December 31, 1999. Symbolically they started with the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) and ended with 9/11 (2001).

The decade is seen by many Western nations as a period of unprecedented peace and prosperity, though many parts of the so-called Third World faced various problems including genocide, AIDS and new or continuing ethnic tensions and civil wars.

A combination of factors, including the mass mobilization of capital markets through neoliberalism, the beginning of the widespread proliferation of new media such as the Internet, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union led to a realignment and reconsolidation of economic and political power across the world, and within countries.

New ethnic conflicts emerged in Africa, the Caucasus and the Balkans, and signs of any resolution of tensions in the Middle East remained elusive.

The 1990s saw a rise in the awareness of multiculturalism, as well as the advance of alternative media. Movements such as grunge, the rave scene and hip hop spread around the world to young people during that decade, aided by then-new technology such as cable television and the World Wide Web.

The 1990s were marked by rapid progression of globalization following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Key forces shaping the decade were the recession of the late 1980s, and the advent of PCs in middle-class homes, resulting in the rise to prominence of the internet. The Internet would go on to revolutionize modern culture, and has served as a major medium for the integration and the spread of popular culture in the entire world.

The widespread adoption of personal computers and the Internet increased economic productivity, while high levels of private investment in equity markets increased personal wealth among many Americans, Japanese, South Koreans, Australians and Europeans.



The years 1990 to 1999 are often associated as a time of relative peace and economic prosperity between the major conflicts of the Cold War and the War on Terror.

To a significant degree, the cultural aesthetic of the 1990s has continued throughout the 2000s.

The internet era saw magazines such as MONDO 2000 and Wired.

Then there was the Sokal affair.


Pitchfork 200 of the 1990s

"I'll take your brain to another dimension, pay close attention." --"Out of Space" (1992)

The development of the techno sound in Detroit, Michigan and house music in Chicago, Illinois in the 1980s, and the later UK-based acid house movement of the late 1980s and early 1990s fueled the development and acceptance of electronic music into the mainstream and introduced electronic dance music to nightclubs. Electronic composition can create faster and more precise rhythms than is possible using traditional percussion. The sound of electronic dance music often features electronically altered sounds (samples) of traditional instruments and vocals.

The rave movement that emerged in the late 1980s rose. Rave spawned genres such as Intelligent dance music and Drum and bass. The latter is an offshoot of jungle techno and breakbeat. Popular artists included Moby, Fatboy Slim, Björk, Aphex Twin, Orbital, the Orb, the Chemical Brothers, Basement Jaxx, Todd Terry, 808 State, Primal Scream, the Shamen, the KLF and the Prodigy.



See also

Information Age

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