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Anthropologica is this wiki's term for either serious works of sexual anthropology or works that are used as a pretext to explore prurient interests, or vice versa (prurient interests disguised as works of anthropology).

Its analogy in early filmmaking are travelogues that showed primitive cultures, noble savages in various states of nudity: at the time, nudity was forbidden, except under the this pretense of showing 'primitive' cultures. See also human zoos and Orientalism.

Falstaff Press was an American publisher of anthropologica. Their books blurred where the scholarly ended and the prurient began. Similar publishers included Panurge Press.

Richard Francis Burton and Margaret Mead also deserve mention here as well as The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia.


18th century: precursors

Sir William Hamilton, Charles Townley, Richard Payne Knight, Vivant Denon, Baron d'Hancarville were the first to show an interest in the phallic worship of ancient erotica. In print, this resulted in the fanciful Veneres et Priapi, uti observantur in gemmis antiquis (1771, d'Hancarville), L'Oeuvre priapique (1793, Vivant Denon) and The Worship of Priapus (1786, Knight).

There are also strands of anthropology in the oeuvre of Marquis de Sade.

19th century


Richard Francis Burton's "Terminal Essay", Friedrich Karl Forberg, glossaries of eroticism

20th century

Anthropophyteia (1904-13), Kryptádia (1883-1911) and Maledicta (1977-2005)

In early filmmaking

Goona-goona epic, early film, travelogue, primitive culture, noble savage, nudity, human zoo

Under the pretense of being an educational ethnographic film, producers could justify showing half-clad natives in jungle epics and South-Sea-island documentaries. This was often done by editing in stock footage or fabricating new scenes with ethnic-looking stand-ins. Examples of docufiction include Ingagi (1930), notorious for its fake scenes of semi-nude "native" girls filmed on a back lot. Forbidden Adventure in Angkor (1937) is a 1912 Cambodia documentary with scenes added, for dramatic effect, of two explorers and a dozen topless female bearers, incongruously played by African-American women. The Sea Fiend (1935), re-issued as Devil Monster (1946), is a low-budget South-Sea drama spiced up with stock footage inserts of half-dressed native girls. Other films of questionable authenticity in this subgenre, sometimes referred to as goona-goona epics, include Moana (1926), Trader Horn, The Blonde Captive, Tabu: A Story of the South Seas (all 1931), Goona Goona a.k.a. Kriss, Isle of Paradise, Virgins of Bali, Bird of Paradise (all 1932), Gow a.k.a. Gow the Killer (1934, re-released as Cannibal Island in 1956), Inyaah, Jungle Goddess (1934), Legong: Dance of the Virgins (1935), Love Life of a Gorilla (1937), Mau-Mau (1955), and Naked Africa (1957).

Falstaff Press

Falstaff Press was an American publisher of anthropologica. Their books blurred where the scholarly ended and the prurient began. Similar publishers included Panurge Press.

Burton, Malinowski and Mead

The Terminal Essay (1885) by Richard Francis Burton (1821 – 1890), The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia (1929) by Bronisław Malinowski (1884 – 1942) and Coming of Age in Samoa (1928) by Margaret Mead (1901 – 1978) also deserve mention here.

Mondo films

See also

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